Blue light is not the enemy. In fact, getting outside in the morning to take a walk in the sunlight to absorb those natural blue lights is a great idea.
Blue light raises our cortisol level, which is exactly what you want during the day. The problem is however, that more than ever people are exposed to the unnatural blue lights coming from their computer screens, TVs and digital media in general.
For those people being exposed, especially after the sun goes down, their body may not be getting the signal that it’s time to lower the stress hormone cortisol and raise the level of melatonin production. That is where blue light blocking light glasses can help.
Blue Light Blocking Glasses
- Anyone who spends a large amount of time in front of a computer screen, mobile device, TV or other digital media -- especially in the 1-2 hours before bed.
- Those that have a hard time winding down at the end of the day or falling asleep at night.
- People experiencing eye strain or other eye related issues.