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Our lymphatic system is responsible for collecting and transporting waste to the blood. Dry brushing is an amazing way to stimulate the lymphatic system while also invigorating the skin, removing dead skin cells, unclogging pores and helping the skin to absorb nutrients.

While especially helpful when used during any Dr. Cabral Detox, dry brushing is also something feels good anytime and is a great way to incorporate self-care into your daily routine. Many will use the dry brush on it’s own use with essential oils.


This premium package includes everything you need for the full dry brushing and body exfoliating experience. Also makes a wonderful gift for anyone looking to update their health ritual.

Dry Brush Spa Package

  • Release toxins from the body, removes dead cells and unclog pores, reduce cellulite, and improve blood circulation while stimulating the lymphatic system to restore skin's natural beauty!

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